SAPA Grant

SAPA provides small grants to assist with analysis and dissemination of information, subject to availability of funds. SAPA Grants are awarded every two years. Those who wish to apply must follow these guidelines.

Please read these guidelines carefully. It is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to ensure that your proposal meets all guidelines!

Download the Application: PDF  or   Word Document                                  View: Past Recipients

Eligibility: Applications will be accepted from members of SAPA as well as from non-members. Both members and non-members may apply for support for Saskatchewan-based research; only SAPA members may apply for support for research in areas outside of Saskatchewan.

Budgetary Guidelines: Grants will cover expenses directly related to projects that will fulfill either of Goals 3 or 4 of the SAPA Policy for Saskatchewan Archaeology, namely:
a) Timely Analysis and Dissemination of Information, or
b) Public Education and Interpretation.

An application may apply in only one category each year.

The following are examples of projects and expenses that are eligible for support: contractors who want to prepare an already-completed report for publication in peer-reviewed journals; preparation of reports arising out of Type A or Type B permit projects; preparation of displays for museums; preparation of popular articles for publication in local newspapers or magazines; specialized analysis (e.g., geo-chemical analysis, C-14 or TL dating, MNI determination, seasonality, age-sex population profiles of faunal data).

The following are examples of projects and expenses that are not eligible for support: preparation of reports in fulfillment of HRIA/M contracts; field work; applicants salary; basic data-gathering including survey, excavation, or obtaining artifacts from other institutions; cataloguing artifacts; basic identification or classification of artifacts or faunal/floral remains.

Deadlines: All applications must be postmarked on or before March 29.

Notification of Decisions: The recipient of the award will be announced at the Annual General Meeting. Successful applicants will be notified by mail no later than April 30.

Conditions of Awards:

  1. Grant funds may not be spent for purposes other than those for which the grant was awarded, as stated in the application.
  2. SAPA requests acknowledgment of support in all publications or displays resulting in whole or in part from the research funded.
  3. Grantees must submit a brief description (maximum 200 words) of the project for publication in Saskatchewan Archaeology Newsletter upon receipt of the initial payment.
  4. Grantees must submit either a copy of the publication or a report (maximum 3 pages) about the project to SAPA.  The grantees must submit the report within 3 years of being notified of a successful application or forfeit the grant funds.


Applicants must complete and submit the form below. In addition, the application must include the following information:

  • Project Description: the aim and scope of the project, including where the report/article will be published or where the display will be mounted (maximum 2 pages, single spaced)
  • How the project meets the goals of the SAPA Policy for Saskatchewan Archaeology (maximum 1 page).
  • Budget: list statement of expenses and revenue, and amount requested from SAPA. The budget must also specify which expenses will be paid for by the SAPA grant.

Payment Schedule:
The applicant will receive 75% of the grant at the beginning of the project. The remaining 25% will be awarded upon satisfactory completion of the Conditions of Awards.

Mail application to:
SAPA Grant Comittee
C/O Saskatchewan Archaeological Society
1-1730 Quebec Avenue
Saskatoon, Saskatchewan
S7K 1V9